Oshkosh - July, 2002
The picture gallery is here.
I made the trip to Oshkosh Wisconsin for the world's largest
fly-in and airshow, Airventure
2002. I flew out with a friend in his Lancair.
The trip out was interesting. We left
around 8am from San Jose and headed over Lake Tahoe towards our
first fuel stop in Ogden Utah. We ran into a bit of
unscheduled maintenance there, which cost us a few hours.
Here's a shot of Mike explaining the trouble to a mechanic.

We eventually continued on and flew until around 11pm - we ended up
in Sioux Falls, SD with a fuel stop in Rapid City, SD.
The next day, after dodging a few thunderstorms, we made it to

It was amazing. There was a huge number of aircraft there,
spanning the entire general aviation and warbird spectrum.
Besides the various static displays of aircraft, there was always
something happening in the air, including P-51 pylon races, large
formation flights of warbirds, military exhibitions (F15, B52,
Harrier, etc.).
We stayed with the Klein family in Algona and had a great time with
them, whether visiting one of the local nightspots or hanging out at
the house.
We were in Oshkosh for about 4 days and then headed back. We
took a different route this time - south from Oshkosh towards Texas
then west to the Tehachapi Pass in California and back up to San
Jose. We had to stop for the night in Manhattan Kansas due to
a big line of nasty thunderstorms, but made it back the next day
with fuel stops in Tucumcari, NM and Bullhead City, AZ.
The picture gallery is here.